What an amazing year it has been for Wrexham Concert Band so far! For those of you who dont know, I play with this wonderful band and we have truly worked our socks off this past year with Scott Lloyd our MD at the helm. The band is pretty new in its inception, first brought to realisation by Scott in 2021 after toying with the idea of setting a band up for some time. I for one am very glad he did! I think I joined the band in the spring of 2022. We have players from all backgrounds and abilities, from music peripatetic teachers right through to solicitors and hobby musicians who play in their spare time.
We have become a close knit little band family who support one another, laugh together and work hard. There are some supremely talented individuals in the band who have every right to boast in their abilities but they dont. No one has an agenda or an ego that gets in the way of playing music together, which is exactly the way it should be. We are a team who work as a cohesive unit, together.
The third piece we played in the competition – Malaguena
We won the band section competition in the Chester Competitive Festival of Performing Arts back in May and we just won the Community Bands section yesterday 6/7/24 at the Llangollen International Eisteddfod! Here are the adjudicators comments:

Congratulations to all the bands who took part, it was lovely to see a good standard of playing on show. You should all be proud of what you’ve accomplished.

With some of my fabulous band mates.

Lets see what the rest of 2024 has in store for us! #teamwcb #fearthedragon