This past week has been a really busy one! I was helping out on the Schools Out Summer Course with the Wrexham Music Cooperative crew. 80ish kids give or take rotating through different activities during the week. Day One – timetable consisted of sports with Ryan, quiz with Steve, Uke with Liam and Alfie and some great performing arts session with Sean Jones (aka Mikey from Blood Brothers!). I had a really nice albeit tiring day lending support to the various teams and helping (I hope) to corral the kids and be a friendly face. Loved making new friends, catching up with old friends and discussing all things “Wicked” with Liam and working with new people. Enjoyed sitting in on Alfie’s ukulele sesh in the afternoon, and yes I had a go! Also really enjoyed sitting in on the performing arts sesh with Sean and finding out about his career!
Day Two – timetable consisted of P Buzz (sort of a cross between trumpet and trombone) with Katie and Jay who made it lots of fun! Then I had a 1:1 session impromptu clarinet sesh/lesson with the lovely Harry, I hope he enjoyed it as much I did! Then the afternoon was violin with Sophie and bucket drumming with Alfie and Steve. I had a go on all instruments! Ryan was also doing a sports related session. We all pretty much caught the sun, some more than others who were positively glowing at band that evening lol!!
Day Three – (hump day!) It was a tiring day and I was in a lot of pain due to the weather and probably overdoing it but fun nonetheless even though it was like herding cats at various points! 😂 The sessions included rounders, Samba with Johnny, performing arts with Sean and quiz with Steve. Some rewarding moments were being given a loom band bracelet from one of the kids that she had made for me, getting to know the crew better, working with the lovely legend that is Sean again and seeing how some of the kids were coming out of their shells and gaining confidence with some new skills. It’s why we do what we do as teachers!
Day Four – There was musical dodgeball, violin/string ensemble, brass ensemble, X fit and songwriting on offer that day. I had the pleasure and privilege of sitting in with Liam all day for songwriting which I really really enjoyed. He had a lovely way of teaching and I’ve picked up some teaching tips as I have done all week. Also went into the string group briefly to talk about the flute and play a little something for them. They recognized it, so that was a relief!
Day Five – final day! Lots of practice for the talent show in the afternoon interspersed with sports and the talent show in the afternoon.
Yes, there were occasional fallouts, hissy fits and cross words, but on the whole the kids were wonderful. I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect when I said yes to this but I can honestly and genuinely say I’ve really really enjoyed it.
I’ve learned a lot from the team, different ways of explaining things, many teaching tips and I’ve also learned a lot about myself.
I’m so impressed so many kids had a go in the talent show yesterday (27 I think) and how some of them have blossomed and grown in confidence during the week.
I feel it’s been a great reminder as to why I teach and the importance of having a good, cooperative and fun team behind you. I feel enthused and ready to brain storm some new teaching ideas and plans ready for September.
A huge well done and thanks to Scott and the WMC team- Liam, Katy, Jay, Sophie, Steve, Aled, Ryan, Sean, Alfie and Taya for a great week, you all rock! Hope I can do it next year!
“School’s (finally) Out 2024!” x

Top row: Aled, Alfie, Steve and Katy.
Bottom row: Me, Jay, Liam.