Teaching thoughts….

I have a lovely student whose last lesson with me will be on Monday (sad times) and she has just sent these beautiful gifts in the post. It was so very unexpected, so very thoughtful and much appreciated. A beautiful flask, my fave chocs and moving words in her card:

” Dear Miss Lynsey,
I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the fun flute lessons I’ve had with you for the past few years. Your support and all the laughs we’ve shared have truly made each lesson, and playing the flute, such a joy to me! Like they say, all good things come to an end, but I will forever be grateful for you, your support and the skills I have gained from having lessons with you. I wish you all the best for the future! Happy tootling!! xxx”

THIS is why we teach, to pass on to the next generations our love for an instrument/subject that is so much more than about just playing. It should be about having fun, music isn’t all serious and stuffy!! Its about developing life skills, communication with others, belonging to a fun community, working as a team, working at a skill that is so good for your mental health, brings a sense of self worth and accomplishment, bringing enjoyment to others through the power of music and many more positives besides. THIS is the power of Music! x

Lynsey Blair

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